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Could the Anti Smoking Law in Britain Force Bingo Players On to the Web?

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A lot has been stated in the press not long ago about the bingo industry being hurt as a consequence of the anti smoking law in England. Conditions have become so bad that in Scotland the Bingo industry has asked for massive tax breaks to help keep the businesses afloat. But will the online variation of this classic game provide a salvation, or will it not compare to its real life opposite?

Bingo is an familiar game normally played by the "blue rinse" generation. In any case the game of late had undergone a recent comeback in acceptance with younger members of society deciding to hit the bingo parlors in place of the clubs on a Saturday night. All this is about to be destroyed with the legislating of the anti cigarette law all over UK.

Players will no longer be able to puff on cigarettes whilst dabbing numbers. Beginning in the summer of 2007 all public locations will no longer be permitted to allow smoking in their locations and this includes Bingo halls, one of the most favored areas where many people enjoy smoking.

The effects of the smoking ban can already be felt in Scotland where cigarettes are already not permitted in the bingo parlours. Numbers have dropped and the industry is beyond a doubt struggling for its life. But where did all the players go? Certainly they have not forgotten this age old game?

The answer is online. Gamblers know that they can participate in bingo from their computer at the same time enjoying a beer and smoke and still have a chance at monstrous prizes. This is a recent phenomenon and has happened almost perfectly with the ban on smoking.

Of course playing online is unlikely to replace the communal part of heading over to the bingo parlour, but for a group of players the governing edicts have left a good many bingo enthusiasts with little choice.

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